You Woke?
Are you as Woke as Mary Engelbreit? Because apparently, Mary is Woke.
I've been hearing the term these past several tumultuous years and assumed that in the context I was hearing it that it meant to be hip, trendy and aware of current events.
But now I know better. To be Woke is this:
“This is moral/immoral. You can be a Republican and not support Trump. But if you do support him, you are supporting a white supremacist, uneducated, lying, grifting, racist, narcissistic, evil sexual predator, and all of your ‘Can’t we all just love one another?' is meaningless and insulting to all the people Trump seeks to disenfranchise." ~Woke Mary
According to Mary, we should all completely Despise our President. Thousands of her followers are literally obeying her absolutely. Queen Mary style.
The Urban Dictionary defines Woke as "The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about social justice."
Of course, I do know that it means much more than this but . . .
I can only imagine where Mary and her Social Justice gal pals are getting their information to be able to proclaim such Woke propaganda. Just guessing . . . CNN, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, or any of the other Leftist owned Woke Sheeple feedlots. Do they ever fact check? These are known fake news outlets. Or . . . do they actually want to believe these talking heads? Hmmm, why would that be?
Apparently, since I have very carefully watched the events of the past 3 years and observed that clearly "Trump" is Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Pro Minority, Pro Jobs, Pro-Military, Pro Veterans, Pro Border Protection, Pro Economy, Pro School Choice, Pro America . . . and etc.
. . . and I have very carefully observed that he is not Pro Baby Killing, not Pro Climate Hysteria Hoax, not continuing with the Apology Tour for America, not a Race Baiter, not caving to the Leftist Narrative, not owned by The Swamp, and etc., well . . . according to Mary, I am immoral and "supporting" her list of above immoral behaviors.
And! Uneducated? Many can -and do! very well without this era's perversion of Academia, thank you very much. These Public Educators, colleges and universities are churning out regurgitating snowflake babies saturated with entitled, blaming victimhood, intersectionality, social justice warrior-ism, race-baiting and American-hating vile behaviors. Paying big money for it too.
Because I am aware of what is being spoon-fed by these institutions of higher learning for the greater good and what the "journalists" and "academics" bring out of them as a result . . . is swallowed hook, line and sinker - because (jazz hands) "Academia" !!! - I am willing to bet that THE ONE ISSUE the majority of these women really have with "Trump" . . .
. . . is that they want to be able to freely kill their own -or their son's and daughter's babies any time they wish - over any other issue they spew out in these long lists of this -ist or that -ist.
For instance, I don't believe for one moment that they are actually really offended by Trump's "locker room talk" which was trotted out right on queue just before his election. These women walk and talk and dress in a way that proves their goal IS to BE the subject OF said discussions. They greatly admire JLo, Madonna, Miley - and WANT to be objectified as women. And - at the same time, they want to take the place of men, in all arenas but especially by having biceps bigger than their husband's heads.
But Orange Man Bad, Dictator "Trump" protects the unborn. Gasp!! To these women, this one single issue is an all-out assault on their sex, their bodies, their rights . . . Period. Why else would they be so willing to spew out such horrid lists of lies? I could be wrong, but I am willing to bet they are ONE ISSUE Voting women, and this is it. As if this is his only goal in life is to disenfranchise them . . .
I have carefully observed these Third Wave Feminazi, Sexually Free and Fulfilled, but Me Too, Zero Shame or Judgement, Seductively Dressed, Planned Barrenhood, Self Actualized, Bliss Finding, Men Hating, Sailor Mouthed, Bullying, Higher Consciousness Seeking, Good Person, Liberated "these shoes were made for walkin'" women for many years now, and - they and their Woke daughters (and sons) are lonely, angry, rough, miserable, harsh, Friends with Benefits Couch Surfing, unfulfilled, and desperately in search of the next layer of victimhood to blame on the next someone. Preferably, a male someone who may be standing in the way of their quest for all the above. Next?
Most baffling to me, many of these women claim they're Republican (?) or Conservative (?) "Christians," even going as far as to USE Scripture, God's Holy Word - as catchy Woke cliches to selling their cutesie Woke goods. (Copyrighted to themselves, mind you!) Staaahhhppp!!!
For myself, I am a ONE ISSUE VOTER as well. I will vote for the candidate that will protect the unborn, helpless and voiceless from infanticide through post-birth and beyond . . .
-to protect a pre-born, partial-birthed or delivered child from the torturous evils of scalding and asphyxiation by saline, pulled limb from limb by forceps, suctioned apart and out of the mother's womb, or delivered as far as the neck then her little spinal cord snipped, brains sucked and head crushed by forceps for delivery . . . and even strangulation or being left to die after birth . . .
well, . . . when a person respects LIFE because the HOLY GOD who CREATED that life demands that it be PROTECTED -then, everything else pretty much falls in line. The opposite is true as well.
I used to be a huge ME fan. Yuge.
If these individuals represent what is being Woke - no thanks.
Isaiah 5:20 English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
PS ~ and then, there's the whole issue of
The Woke Church ~
but that's another post for another day...
(Jesus was not a Social Justice Warrior.)
PPS ~ I do know I break all of the writing rules. It's fun.
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